Skipping rocks. One of my favorite childhood memories. My dad taught me, we would spend so much time on that riverbank finding the perfect rocks and practicing the perfect technique. Now I get to teach my children. It’s moments like this that I wish they would stop growing. However, in the same moment I can’t help but think what their beautiful little souls will grow to be.
I hope all their dreams come true.
I hope they find the beauty in everything.
I hope they never struggle and instead see life as a constant journey.
I hope they never stop growing, intellectually and spiritually that is.
I hope they remain humble.
I hope they follow their passion.
One of the hardest things as a parent is hoping you are doing everything right so they lead successful lives. For me, that has to be one of the biggest stresses in my life. Are they listening to what I recommended? Are they making wise decisions? Are they being respectful? Are they being honest? Are they making healthy eating decisions? So many questions race through my head every single day. It honestly was easier when they were toddlers and I made all there meals for them, I knew where they were 24-7, and they didn’t ask for money, HA!
Being a mother is the most challenging job I have ever done. As my youngest enters kindergarten this Fall, I will be starting a new phase in my life as I will have to adjust to not having a child with me 24-7. It’ll be difficult, I already know that, what do moms do when they don’t have a child with them 24-7? Guess we will find out!